Adorable moment crying little girl completely transforms when she hears Katy Perry come on the car radio

Videos by Motherhood on August 20, 2017

We all have small things that instantly cheer us up and make us forget our troubles for a while. It can be anything from food to music, and it’s often associated with happy memories.

The clip below has been seen by more than 22 million people – and it’s easy to see why. All parents have at some point experienced the hopeless situation of not being able to make your baby stop crying. You try everything, but nothing helps.

That’s what happened to the parents in this video. The family is riding in the car, and the toddler won’t stop crying. However, things take an unexpected turn – when Katy Perry’s song Dark Horse comes on, the toddler’s frown gets turned upside down.

She instantly turns ecstatic – and it’s amazing watching the transformation. I can’t help but smile at her hilarious dance moves and facial expressions!

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