English Bulldog Father Meets His Puppy Daughter For the First Time

Videos by Motherhood on August 20, 2017

As a breed, English bulldogs have a reputation for being friendly, playful, and patiently accepting. If they were any more laid back, they’d probably all be in comas.

And while their reputation is often accurate, there are, of course, exceptions to the rule. Take, for instance, Chaucer the English bulldog. When he meets a little puppy, he doesn’t quite seem to know what to make of her. (She also just so happens to be his daughter.)

During they’re first meeting, it takes a while for the wrinkly old dog to warm up to this whole “fatherhood” concept.

At first, he’s pretty ambivalent to this new wrinkly player on the couch.

But he takes the bait, sniffing the cutie.

Soon, his little girl lets out a tiny little bark and that’s when Chaucer gets really into it. Going from little play bows to chuffs and grunts, faking a left here, a right there, then raising a paw that’s about half the size of her head.

Watch this sweet father-daughter moment in the video below, and share to spread smiles!

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