Young Woman Stands Up To Bully On Facebook

Videos by Motherhood on July 26, 2017

Cyber-bullying is no joke. It’s a sometimes scary world online, and that doesn’t end in the classroom. What one young woman said to her bully though, is strong and powerful and well-worth sharing.

Lynelle Cantwell is taking a strong stand against online bullying, or cyber bullying. The 17-year-old recently took to Facebook to address the rising crisis. And what a powerful thing she had to say.

This Newfoundland high school student recently learned that she was featured on an online poll on The despicable poll was asking fellow students to vote for the ugliest girl at Holy Trinity High School.

The teen could easily have retreated or sunk away like many would. But instead, she showed the beauty and strength within, posting on Facebook:

“To the person that made the “ugliest girls in grade 12 at hth” ask.FM straw poll. I’m sorry that your life is so miserable that you have to try to bring others down. To the 12 people that voted for me to bring me to 4th place. I’m sorry for you too. I’m sorry that you don’t get to know me as a person. I know that i’m not the prettiest thing to look at. I know i have a double chin and i fit in XL clothes. I know i don’t have the perfect smile or the perfect face. But i’m sorry for you. Not myself. I’m sorry that you get amusement out of making people feel like [crap]. I’m sorry that you’ll never get the chance to know the kind of person i am. I may not look okay on the outside.. But i’m funny, nice, kind, down to earth, not judgemental, accepting, helpful, and i’m super easy to talk to. Thats the same for every other girl on that list that you all put down. Just because we don’t look perfect on the outside does not mean we are ugly. If thats your idea of ugly then i feel sorry for you. Like seriously? Get a life.”

The post has since been shared over 7,000 times, and swarmed with positive and caring support of Lynelle and the other girls on the list.

Because of the incredible outpouring of support, she has since followed up to her original post.

I want everyone to know i appreciate all of the gifts and the attention i have received. However, what we are fighting fighting for is to give everyone a voice when it comes to bullying and to take the power back from the bully. Hopefully the attention i have received worldwide will help us to achieve this goal. I don’t want anyone to feel left out or powerless. Together we are all fighting for this same goal. Lets put a stop to bullying here and now. 

She told that she intends to combat cyber bullying, something that happens in every school, with positivity.

“Cyber bullying happens in every school,” she said. “I was taught to take the high road. I think we teens need to encourage and complement each other more than be mean to each other. It’s also important for teens to think about those who are doing the bullying. They’re obviously not happy with something in their own lives and have to take it out on others.”

Lynelle is looking to build a website for kids that need support from cyber-bullying and also asking to eliminate the anonymous feature, in hopes of cutting down on the bullying.

Please SHARE this strong young woman’s story with your friends and family.

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