If Your Dog Sleeps In Bed With You, You Might Want To See What They Just Found

Videos by Motherhood on November 6, 2017

Many people like to treat their pets as legitimate members of the family. Out of love and because we want them to feel protected and happy, we let our dogs follow us everywhere we go, even when it’s time to go to bed. After all, who can resist those big puppy eyes, right?

But have you ever thought just how many germs a dog carries when it sleeps with you in your bed? Even if your dogs are clean and you regularly bathe them or take them to a canine salon, there’s a chance your furry friends are still bringing a lot of unwanted things in the bed.

To find out exactly what those things might be, a group of news reporters decided to swab the paws of some pet dogs and send the swabs off for professional testing. The results will most likely come as a shock to most pet owners reading this.

As it turned out, the dogs were carrying multiple types of possibly dangerous bacteria and fungi (including a bug which can cause meningitis). And to make things worse, all the dogs which were tested as part of this experiment had E. coli.

After being handed the results, the owners of the dogs said that they will take more precautions.

So before you let those adorable dogs of yours sleep in bed with you, make sure you are aware of all the possible consequences. Watch the video below to get more details, and also don’t forget to pass along this critical information to others.

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